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Thursday, March 18, 2010

Monday, March 15, 2010

Creative Child

Creativity is an important trait for our child to capture.
Learning creativity will help children in their adult life. Learning becomes easier when it is fun so come up with creative ways to teach your children.

I always help my daughter Hannah develop the ability to see things in a different light. By creating an atmosphere that encourages her creativity she will able to view the world in a unique and personal way. I always buy her a variety of artistic and creative materials, e.g., crayons, water color, modeling clay, art papers, scissors, color pens, etc. I also incorporate role playing and story telling in her daily activities. Books of Fairy Tales, Fables, doll houses, Barbie dolls, etc. can be be very helpful tools in developing her creativity.

But creativity does not confine to drawing and paintings alone. Music is another channel of creative expression. So I also teach my daughter Hannah how to sing. A parent's voice is the first music a child hears. I usually sing around the house while painting, doing chores, cooking meals, etc. I surround my child with music and we listen to music CDs or  to radio together. We watch live concerts or in TV. The magic of music shared together is a rewarding experience.

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